Water Management Organization Registration and Irrigation Management:
This water management organization registration and irrigation management system is an innovative initiative of Bangladesh Water Development Board (BAPUBO) to ensure intensive monitoring and prompt delivery of services. Through this system water management organization registration activities can be completed in the fastest time. Farmer census, formation of ad hoc committee, application for general membership, formation of general committee, formation of election committee, election related activities such as election schedule announcement, application, symbol allotment, result announcement, water management organization registration. You can. In addition, targets, demand and supply of canal or pump based water in irrigation management can be reported. Arrangements will be made to provide canal based irrigation schedule. In addition, as all the information is stored, there is an opportunity to evaluate the work.
Beneficiary Services:
Registration for General Member Posts
In case of registration for the position of General Member of the organization, you will register with the required mobile number and secret number.
General Member List
General Member List based on organization, their contact information and details.
LLP Booking
Individuals under the Muhuri project who provide irrigation through water intake from LLPs can book LLPs at their preferred time from home.
Complain Management
Farmers covered under the project will be able to lodge grievances with the management committee and water development board authorities in their respective areas through their mobile numbers.